Japan helps IDP welfare

The Government of Japan and its people have provided Rs. 117 million for the IDP welfare in the Northern Camps. This special project was an important one not only domestically for Sri Lanka but also internationally, since the world community pays attention to the welfare of the IDPs in the North, Ambassador of Japan Kunio Takahashi said yesterday.
The two countries entered into a Memorandum of Understanding pertaining to the welfare activities of the displaced persons.

Ambassador Takahashi noted at the role of Local Government bodies and Provincial Councils is vital in catering the needs of these people accomodated in welfare centers. He also said a team from Chiba Prefecture, Japan with Noriaki Sanda, Akiro Doi and the other members of the JICA had worked tirelessly, visited Vavuniya and assisted in implementing this project for IDPs and it would improve the health conditions and empower the people in the North.

The aid package will provide much needed equipment for transportation of garbage, water and waste water and will include 26 tractors, four tipper lorries, two loaders, a backhoe loader and two pick up trucks.

Funds will also be used to improve roadside drains in the IDP camp sites. It is to be implemented soon by the Local Government and Provincial Council Ministry.

Local Government and Provincial Council Minster Janaka Bandara Thennakoon said the Japanese Government and its people had always helped Sri Lanka whenever the need arose and this gesture was for an extraordinary problem that the government of Sri Lanka had to face suddenly with a large number of IDPs after the war.

The Japanese government was the highest single donor nation that had helped us to face the IDP problem so that we could ensure their well being and rehabilitation.